I called support and that was useless because I don't have a contract yet. I may just have to go back to using mail.app and gpgtools, but if I do, I lose a lot of funtionality for my email/calendar, etc. I also cannot find the add-on for outlook for mac like there is in the windows version to encrypt emails. We don't have encryption server and we don't support external access to POP, IMAP and SMTP. Only Encryption Server, and Internet (IMAP, POP, SMTP). In Outlook for Mac 2011, thousands of colors can be assigned to local categories. The documentation states to setup a new Messaging Service in encryption desktop and choose setting next to server and choose Exchange from drop down for server type. On pop-up window browse the exact folder to save the iPhone calendar. I've been using the windows version on my windows box for serveral years with no issues.
I'm trying to use this with Outlook for Mac 2011 connecting to my corporate exchange server. I got the program installed and my pub / private keys imported.
I'm running Encryption Desktop 10.3.2MP5 Build 15704 on a new Macbook Pro 15' running OS X 10.9.5.